A Voice for Nature

Sonoma Land Trust is committed to bringing nature’s voice to the decision table and below are a few projects that we hope you will join us in supporting.

Vote for nature- Yes on Prop. 4

This election you have a chance to vote for nature with Prop. 4! Learn more here

Proposition 4 is the single largest investment in protecting the environment and responding to the challenges of climate change in the history of California. The measure needs a majority to pass on November 5th.

We are committed to supporting the following projects as part of our advocacy efforts:

In a 2020 executive order, Governor Gavin Newsom committed to the global 30×30 initiative and created a $768 million spending plan for organizations and programs that will deliver climate benefits and protect biodiversity, including conservation acquisitions and easements.

Land conservation is key to achieving the 30×30 goal and Sonoma Land Trust is poised to lead the way with land acquisitions, conservation easements, and through collaborative partnerships in organizations and government agencies.

California is one of the planet’s fifteen designated biodiversity hotspots and has the fourth largest economy in the world. Nestled in the heart of this biodiversity hotspot, Sonoma County is a microcosm of how we can implement nature-based solutions for protecting and restoring life-giving natural systems, while also supporting a thriving economy. We can mark a path for the rest of the world to follow!

By the numbers: To achieve this goal we must conserve 78,000 acres in Sonoma County by 2030. 

Learn more about our participation in the 30×30 plan

Prescribed Fire

In the wake of the devastating 2017 Nuns Fire, Sonoma Land Trust co-founded the Sonoma Valley Wildlands Collaborative (SVWC) with six local conservation organizations and land management agencies. Collectively, we manage 18,000 acres of protected land, coordinating fire and vegetation management across 27 projects in the Sonoma Valley. 

Our plan is to expand our Living with Fire program by conducting prescribed burns on our preserves. Returning fire’s ecological role is an essential component to rejuvenating fire resilient ecosystems and recreating healthy and productive natural landscapes. Additionally, the program also provides much needed fire management training and practice for local firefighters.  

Why this matters: This work improves the health and safety of our lands and communities and has the ability to scale to a state-wide program, creating a climate-ready future.

Learn more about prescribed fire and Sonoma Valley Wildlands Collaborative

Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway

Sonoma Land Trust is partnering with the City of Santa Rosa to purchase the Southeast Greenway from Caltrans to transform a two-mile vacant corridor (the abandoned Highway 12 right-of-way) into a new, 47-acre urban greenway park and open space amenity for the largest city in Sonoma County.

Since 2009, we have been engaged in the plan to transform this long neglected property into the City’s own “Central Park.” Threaded with paths for cyclists and pedestrians and populated with pocket parks, the Southeast Greenway will feature community gardens, new opportunities for outdoor play and education for nearby schools, and restored creeks and wildlife habitat.

Saving space matters: Equitable access to nature provides clean air and cooling centers for everyone.

Learn more about the Santa Rosa Southeast Greenway

Sonoma Developmental Center (SDC)

SDC is situated in the heart of the Sonoma Valley Wildlife Corridor, a narrow linkage of high-quality habitat that connects Point Reyes to the mountains of Napa and Lake Counties. For nearly a decade, our advocacy has been focused on two main areas: ensuring the protection of the wildlife corridor with mandatory setbacks, and the transfer of 750 acres of open space into park ownership. As a result of this work, Sonoma County Planning Commission recently recognized the critical importance of the wildlife corridor by expanding protected areas on the campus and delegating management of the preserved open space to the park agencies. 

We appreciate the “Sonoma Open Space Area Operations” Budget Change Proposal to authorize the transfer of 750 acres of open space and wildlife habitat lands of SDC to the CA Depart. of Parks & Rec.
Wildlife Linkages: Connecting protected areas for wildlife to safely roam in urban spaces is a top priority.

Learn more about the Sonoma Development Center

State Route 37

The redesign of State Route 37 will directly affect the ecological health and resilience of thousands of acres of wetlands along the North Bay shoreline. Sonoma Land Trust coordinated meetings and site visits to the San Pablo Baylands with landowners, elected officials, and environmental and government agency leadership to collaborate on a vision for a multi-benefit redesign that supports resilient communities and healthy environments.

We support the recent Caltrans selection of an elevated causeway design for the long-term future of Highway 37, which will allow continued progress on 20,000 acres of wetland and habitat restoration. The multi-benefit project prepares us for a climate-ready future by incorporating natural infrastructure that will buffer the effects of flooding and erosion, while creating recreational spaces for everyone to enjoy.

Modeling the future: We can build lasting infrastructure for a climate ready future today.

Learn more about State Route 37

Contact Us

For more information contact:
Ariana Rickard
Public Policy and Funding Program Manager
(707) 526-6923 x 153

Join us in our work to protect 30% of our lands and waters by 2030.

You may also download a pdf of these projects by clicking here