Monte Rio Redwoods Expansion

Monte Rio Redwoods Expansion offers connectivity for habitat protection and expanded public access to adjacent Sonoma County Regional Parks

1,517-acre Monte Rio Redwoods Expansion property to be acquired and transferred June 2025. Photo © Max Whittaker, courtesy of Save the Redwoods League

Saving our Redwoods

We are thrilled to announce a partnership with Save the Redwoods League to protect the 1,517-acre Monte Rio Redwoods Expansion.

This acquisition will conserve the largest remaining unprotected acreage of redwoods in Sonoma County south of the Russian River. Home to second-and third-growth coast redwood and Douglas-fir forest, the property is owned by the Mendocino Redwood Company LLC. Following the purchase in May, the Save the Redwoods League will convey the property to Sonoma County Regional Parks for long-term stewardship and to expand Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park and Open Space Preserve.

Plans for public access will be decided after the property transfers, and announcements will be made in late Summer 2025 by Regional Parks.

Conserving the property will link a contiguous protected area of more than 22,000 acres (more than 34 square miles) of forest, wildlife corridors, watershed, and parkland from the Sonoma coast inland to the Bohemian Highway and north to Jenner Headlands.

There are a few old-growth trees across the property, including one 14-foot-wide ancient tree with some large vertical, reiterated branches that provide habitat for other species and a natural tunnel through its base. 

Ecological Benefits 

This acquisition will safeguard the headwaters of three key Russian River tributaries – Willow Creek, Dutch Bill Creek, and Freezeout Creek. Protecting these waterways ensures clean water for our communities and creates crucial spawning grounds for species like coho salmon and steelhead trout, making this project a key contributor to our Securing Freshwater Flows  strategy.

Coast redwoods are mixed with Douglas-fir, tanoak and California bay. Among other important values, the forest at Monte Rio Redwoods Expansion is a high conservation priority for its carbon storage and climate benefits. Redwood forests store carbon in their rot-resistant wood for centuries, and young redwoods grow quickly, storing substantial amounts of carbon in a relatively short period.

Partnering to Protect Monte Rio Redwoods

To reach the $24 million purchase price by June 2025, Save the Redwoods League is pursuing $20 million in public and private foundation funding for the Monte Rio Redwoods Expansion acquisition. Sonoma Land Trust is partnering with Save the Redwoods League to help raise the remaining $4 million to acquire and protect the property.


For more information, contact Erin Whittle, associate director of philanthropy at
